Why the New Right's Theocracy Plus Fascism Fusion Will Not End Well
Instead, Liberalism Plus Conservatism is the kind of fusionism we actually need
My regular readers would know that I am an unapologetic opponent of the so-called New Right. Whether we are talking about Trumpism, 'National Conservatism', Catholic Integralism or the Neoreaction movement, my view is that they lead to further polarization, tribalism, and the erosion of long-standing safeguards of individual liberty, and hence have a deleterious effect on the health of the social fabric. This is why I often say that they are anything but conservative. Given my concerns about the recent rise to prominence of this potentially destructive force, I have been eagerly following news and analyses of the New Right in the media. A recent article in Quillette, titled Funhouse-Mirror Fusionism, written by Cincinnatus Smith, is one of the most insightful analyses of the New Right I have seen recently, and provides a good explanation for its destructive tendencies.
In the article, Smith characterizes the New Right as a kind of fusionism, a mirror of the 20th-century libertarian-traditionalist fusionism. However, this new fusionism is instead between 'integralism' and 'vitalism'. To put it plainly, 'integralism' is basically theocracy (no surprises here), and 'vitalism' is a combination of Nietzschean will-to-power-ism and White Supremacy, which is basically fascism. The problem with trying to come up with a fusionism between theocrats and fascists is that they have long been sworn enemies, because their fundamental worldviews are opposed. Theocrats are moralistic and relatively egalitarian, while fascists are amoral and basically 'might makes right'. The racism inherent in fascism is also incompatible with the teachings of Christianity. Thus, while both 'integralism' and 'vitalism' are opposed to both leftism and liberalism (including 20th century conservatism's semi-commitment to classical liberalism), they can't ever agree on a program to govern society. Thus the New Right's version of fusionism isn't capable of governing, and is only capable of destroying.
I think this important insight shows why the New Right is ultimately a hollow project. It is borne out of the hardline right's inability to accept reality as it is. Back in the early 2010s, in the wake of Mitt Romney's defeat, there were attempts to 'modernize' the Republican Party. In the UK, similar attempts were made to modernize the Conservatives, under the leadership of then-Prime Minister David Cameron. The reason for these modernization attempts was that it was the only way forward for conservative parties to regain the support of young people it had lost over the past decade. Given the policy preferences of Millennials, the modernization would inevitably have to mean dropping religious right elements from the platform, as well as reaching out to racial minorities. Somehow, the two pillars of the New Right are exactly opposed to these things. Thus, I think there is pretty good evidence to argue that the New Right is no more than a reaction against the project to reform the right during the Romney-Cameron era. It is rooted not in some coherent and practically achievable policy vision, but rather in a reactionary attempt to reject the inevitable modernization of right-of-center politics. It is therefore basically the mirror image of the postmodern-critical left, holding onto revolutionary hopes that had actually died long ago in reality, and justifying divisive and destructive actions on this stubborn refusal to face the objective reality.
Let's face it: the 20th century libertarian-traditionalist fusionism is no longer popular, especially among the young. Meanwhile, the New Right's theocracy-fascism fusionism is basically impossible, and can only be destructive, not to mention extremely authoritarian and inhumane. What we actually need is a new fusionism: that of liberalism and conservatism. Liberalism plus conservatism equals reformism. When you combine the liberal insight that rationality, free speech and equal consideration of our fellow human beings' rights can lead to better outcomes for both individuals and societies over time, with the Burkean conservative insight that change needs to be gradual, practical and rooted in a society's traditions, what you get is a practical and sustainable reformism that most people can happily get behind. It is this kind of fusionism that will unite, rather than further divide the people, and provide a constructive alternative to the destructive vision of both the postmodern left and the 'New Right'.
TaraElla is a singer-songwriter and author, who is the author of the Moral Libertarian Manifesto and the Moral Libertarian book series, which argue that liberalism is still the most moral and effective value system for the West.
She is also the author of The Trans Case Against Queer Theory and The TaraElla Story (her autobiography).