Tara, thanks for all ideological and analytical elaboration. I have also been accused for being woke only for promoting human rights, decentralisation and security as for refugees. One of my recent policy and politics articles is about why the 2000s were more about government expansion and anti-freedom than about neoliberalism. https://glibe.substack.com/p/neoliberal-2000s-less-liberalisation

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From my own (English speaking world) perspective, the 2000s were anything but liberal. It was a decade of authoritarian conservatism, led by Bush Jr. People who opposed the Iraq War were labelled unpatriotic, gay marriage was treated like the biggest threat to civilization, and civil liberties were being taken away all the time. There was also the religious right push to challenge evolution science and teach creationism in schools.

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Indeed, very well written. Good points.

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The thing is that it is easier to be a traditionalist, anarchist or X-ism in a liberal society than vice versa. To be a liberal ina traditionalist society or to be a traditionalist in an anarchist society. Therefore, liberal society model is still the best one regarding democracy, tolerance and pluralism.

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Your best piece yet that I've read. Very useful in helping me to organize my thoughts. Thanks!

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