Thanks for you comments. Can I ask where I the world you live please? Only that a a UK citizen living here and experiencing the actual reality of accessing any kind of support for my teenage child your generous response to this report is somewhat frustrating.

I agree the polarisation on both sides is not helpful - but one side is the power and aggressor and the other the victim in survival mode. It is hard to find room for balanced discussion from that place.

As a result of this review there is now a proposed review of adult gender services and I have no doubt they will be found lacking and care held up for people waiting to access it. This is not just about kids in the UK.

As far as people passing - I believe we allow trans people - well any people to - decide how they feel comfortable with themselves. Some will opt for more or less medical intervention as a result. Fir kids in schools, the current transphobic culture in the media - and it is transphobic- is fuelling bullying in schools making it even harder for kids

I think we’re in the same side and I share a view that no progress comes without discussion and moderation.

As someone in the middle of all the fall out from this review it is hard to see how it can be viewed positively

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