Every possible philosophical, religious and cultural idea ever posited in all times and places are now freely available on the internet. So how does one even begin to understand anything about Truth Reality & The Beautiful too?
You will not come anywhere near such an understanding of such via Lindsay or Rufo.
James Lindsay is a culturally illiterate pseudo-philosopher as is Christopher Rufo - full-of-sound-of-fury with their head's up his butt. Rufo has more in common with Beavis & Butthead!
Almost any university philosophy department worth its name necessarily challenges its students to critically examine all of their inherited presumptions about quite literally everything. Some/many even have "advanced studies" department wherein such critical enquiry is (at its best) encouraged. So too with some/many theology and religious studies departments.
In fact I was privileged so to do via a remarkable Buddhist Spiritual Master who insisted that such open-ended investigation of everything was a necessary feature to (at best) understand one's inherited religious and cultural provincialism, and thereby (hopefully) grow beyond them.
He pointed out that the now world-dominant "great religions" are now engaged in a potentially catastrophic global war for global dominance. It would of course be a disaster if Islam won this war.
Every possible philosophical, religious and cultural idea ever posited in all times and places are now freely available on the internet. So how does one even begin to understand anything about Truth Reality & The Beautiful too?
You will not come anywhere near such an understanding of such via Lindsay or Rufo.
James Lindsay is a culturally illiterate pseudo-philosopher as is Christopher Rufo - full-of-sound-of-fury with their head's up his butt. Rufo has more in common with Beavis & Butthead!
Almost any university philosophy department worth its name necessarily challenges its students to critically examine all of their inherited presumptions about quite literally everything. Some/many even have "advanced studies" department wherein such critical enquiry is (at its best) encouraged. So too with some/many theology and religious studies departments.
In fact I was privileged so to do via a remarkable Buddhist Spiritual Master who insisted that such open-ended investigation of everything was a necessary feature to (at best) understand one's inherited religious and cultural provincialism, and thereby (hopefully) grow beyond them.
He pointed out that the now world-dominant "great religions" are now engaged in a potentially catastrophic global war for global dominance. It would of course be a disaster if Islam won this war.